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Cultural Events




During your stay here in Canada, we hope to connect you with Canadian students, families, and other international students from around the world!

Cultural Events
Image de Mick Haupt

Cultural Events

We respect and embrace cultural diversity in our international student community.

We invite and encourage international students from different countries to share their culture and festivals with others either through online or in-person presentations. Potluck meals are organized at some events to encourage students to share their ethnic food with others to increase cultural connection.

We organize virtual and in-person hangouts. Feel free to join.

Meetup Group

International Students Montreal (ISM) is a group to connect international students in town to explore and experience the city together. We organize fun activities like short trips, sightseeing, apple picking, summer and winter outdoor activities. There are a variety of activities (virtual and in-person) every month, please join us and get connected with other students and Canadians in Montreal.

Facebook Group

The International Students Montreal Quebec Canada group is a great way to connect with other international students and Canadians, learn about events in the area and hear about issues of importance to you. It is the Facebook home for International Student Ministry of Montreal.

We have also Instagram page and Youtube channel for networking.

Meetup group
Facebook group


FOCUS stands for Friends of Overseas College and University Students. The Focus Group will be launching soon. We plan to have a Focus Dinner once a month and this is a good way to connect with other international friends and have some fellowship time together.


Friends for Dinner

Friends for Dinner is an initiative to connect friendly Canadian Christians with international students in order to show them love, hospitality and build friendships. You can join a Canadian family for a typical Canadian family dinner or lunch during Easter, Thanksgiving or Christmas.

Friends For Dinner
montreal old port.jpeg

Copyright © 2022 Montreal International Students

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